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OpenTerrace class.

Source code in openterrace/
class Simulate:
    """OpenTerrace class."""

    def __init__(self, t_start:float=0, t_end:float=None, dt:float=None):
        """Initialise with various control parameters.

            t_start (float): Start time in s
            t_end (float): End time in s
            dt (float): Time step size in s
        self.t_start = t_start
        self.t_end = t_end
        self.dt = dt
        self.coupling = []
        self.flag_coupling = False

    def create_phase(self, n:int=None, n_other:int=1, type:str=None):
        """Creates a fluid or bed phase.

            n (int): Number of discretisations
            n_other (int): Number of discretisations of interacting phase. If you are defining a bed phase within a tank. Then n_other is the number of discretisations of the fluid phase.
            type (str): Phase type

        valid_types = ['fluid','bed']
        if type not in valid_types:
            raise Exception("Type \'"+type+"\' specified. Valid options for types are:", valid_types)
        return self.Phase(self, n, n_other, type)

    def select_coupling(self, fluid_phase:int=None, bed_phase:int=None, h_exp:str=None, h_value:float=None):
        """Selects coupling of a fluid and bed phase

            fluid_phase (int): phase number
            bed_phase (int): phase number
            h_exp (str): Predefined function for convective heat transfer
            h_value (float): Convective heat transfer coefficient in W/(m^2 K)

        valid_h_exp = ['constant']
        if h_exp not in valid_h_exp:
            raise Exception("h_exp \'"+h_exp+"\' specified. Valid options for h_exp are:", valid_h_exp)

        self.coupling.append({"fluid_phase":fluid_phase, "bed_phase":bed_phase, "h_exp":h_exp, "h_value":h_value})
        self.flag_coupling = True

    def _coupling(self):
        """This is the function that couples the fluid and bed phase."""
        for couple in self.coupling:
            n_bed = self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].domain.V/self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].phi*(1-self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].phi)/self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].domain.V0 #ok

            Q = couple['h_value']*self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].domain.A[-1][-1]*(self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].T[0]-self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].T[:,-1])*self.dt #ok

            self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].h[:,-1] = self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].h[:,-1] + Q/(self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].rho[:,-1] * self.Phase.instances[couple['bed_phase']].domain.V[-1]) #ok

            self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].h[0] = self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].h[0] - n_bed * Q/(self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].rho*self.Phase.instances[couple['fluid_phase']].domain.V) #ok

    def run_simulation(self):
        """If you want to run the simulation, you need to call this function. If data output is specified using the select_output function, the data will live in that specific phase instance. For more details on how to access the data, please refer to the tutorials."""

        for t in tqdm.tqdm(np.arange(self.t_start, self.t_end+self.dt, self.dt)):

            for phase_instance in self.Phase.instances:
                phase_instance._solve_equations(t, self.dt)
            if self.flag_coupling:
    class Phase:
        instances = []
        """Main class to define either the fluid or bed phase."""

        def __init__(self, outer=None, n:int=None, n_other:int=None, type:str=None):
            """Initialise a phase with number of control points and type.

                outer (object): Outer class
                n (int): Number of discretisations for the given phase
                n_other (int): Number of discretisations for the other phase
                type (str): Type of phase

            self.outer = outer
            self.n = n
            self.n_other = n_other

            self.phi = 1
            self.bcs = []
            self.sources = []

            self._flag_save_data = False
            self.type = type

        def select_substance_on_the_fly(self, cp:float=None, rho:float=None, k:float=None):
            """Defines and selects a new substance on-the-fly. This is useful for defining a substance for testing purposes with temperature independent properties.

                cp (float): Specific heat capacity in J/(kg K)
                rho (float): Density in kg/m^3
                k (float): Thermal conductivity in W/(m K)
            class dummy:
            self.fcns = dummy()
            self.fcns.h = lambda T: np.ones_like(T)*T*cp
            self.fcns.T = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*h/cp
            self.fcns.cp = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*cp
            self.fcns.k = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*k
            self.fcns.rho = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*rho

        def select_substance(self, substance:str=None):
            """Selects one of the predefined substancers.

                substance (str): Substance name

            valid_substances = globals()[self.type+'_substances'].__all__
            if not substance:
                raise Exception("Keyword 'substance' not specified.")
            if not substance in valid_substances:
                raise Exception(substance+" specified as "+self.type+" substance. Valid "+self.type+" substances are:", valid_substances)
            self.fcns = getattr(globals()[self.type+'_substances'], substance)

        def select_h_coeff(self, h_exp:str=None, value:float=None):
            """Selects an expression for the heat transfer coefficient.

                h_exp (str): Heat transfer coefficient expression
                value (float): Heat transfer coefficient value

            valid_correlations = ['constant']
            if correlation not in valid_correlations:
                raise Exception("correlation \'"+correlation+"\' specified. Valid options for correlation are:", valid_correlations)
            self.fcns.h_correlation = getattr(globals()['heat_transfer_correlations'], correlation)

        def select_domain_shape(self, domain:str=None, **kwargs):
            """Select domain shape and initialise constants.

                domain (str): Domain type
                **kwargs (float): Dimensions of domain to be specified depnding on the domain type

            if not domain:
                raise Exception("Keyword 'domain' not specified.")
            if not domain in globals()['domains'].__all__:
                raise Exception("domain \'"+domain+"\' specified. Valid options for domain are:", self.valid_domains)

            kwargs['n'] = self.n 
            self.domain = getattr(globals()['domains'], domain)
            self.domain.type = domain
            self.domain.validate_input(kwargs, domain)
            self.domain.shape = self.domain.shape(kwargs)
            self.domain.dx = self.domain.dx(kwargs)
            self.domain.A = self.domain.A(kwargs)
            self.domain.V = self.domain.V(kwargs)
            self.domain.V0 = self.domain.V0(kwargs)
            self.node_pos = self.domain.node_pos(kwargs)

        def select_porosity(self, phi:float=1):
            """Select porosity from 0 to 1, e.g. filling the domain with the phase up to a certain degree.

                phi (float): Porosity value

            self.domain.V = self.domain.V*phi
            self.phi = phi

        def select_schemes(self, diff:str=None, conv:str=None):
            """Imports the specified diffusion and convection schemes.

                diff (str): Differenctial scheme
                conv (str): Convection scheme

            if self.domain.type == 'lumped':
                raise Exception("'lumped' has been selected as domain type. Please don't specify a discretisation scheme.")

            if diff is not None:
                    self.diff = getattr(getattr(globals()['diffusion_schemes'], diff), diff)
                    raise Exception("Diffusion scheme \'"+diff+"\' specified. Valid options for diffusion schemes are:", diffusion_schemes.__all__)

            if conv is not None:
                    self.conv = getattr(getattr(globals()['convection_schemes'], conv), conv)
                    raise Exception("Convection scheme \'"+conv+"\' specified. Valid options for convection schemes are:", convection_schemes.__all__)

        def select_initial_conditions(self, T:list[float]=None):
            """Initialises temperature field.

                T (float): List of length n with initial temperatures

            if np.array(T).size == 1:
                self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,self.domain.shape)))   
            elif np.array(T).size == self.n:
                self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,1)))
            else: Exception("Length of T must be 1 or equal to n")

            self.h = self.fcns.h(self.T)
            self.T = self.fcns.T(self.h)
            self.rho = self.fcns.rho(self.h)
            self.cp = self.fcns.cp(self.h)
            self.k = self.fcns.k(self.h)
            self.D = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
            self.F = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
            self.S = np.zeros(self.T.shape)

        def select_massflow(self, mdot:list[float]=None):
            """Initialises mass flow rate field.

                mdot (float): Array of mass flow rate. Column 0 is time and column 1 is mass flow rate

            self.mdot_array = np.array(mdot)

        def select_bc(self, bc_type:str=None, parameter:str=None, position=None, value:float=None):
            """Specify boundary condition type.

                bc_type (str): Type of boundary condition
                parameter (str): Which field it applies to
                position (int): indices of which cells it applies to
                value (float): Value of boundary condition

            valid_bc_types = ['fixed_value','zero_gradient']
            if bc_type not in valid_bc_types:
                raise Exception("bc_type \'"+bc_type+"\' specified. Valid options for bc_type are:", valid_bc_types)
            valid_parameters = ['T','mdot']
            if parameter not in valid_parameters:
                raise Exception("parameter \'"+parameter+"\' specified. Valid options for parameter are:", valid_parameters)
            if not position:
                raise Exception("Keyword 'position' not specified.")
            if value is None and bc_type=='fixed_value':
                raise Exception("Keyword 'value' is needed for fixed_value type bc.")
            self.bcs.append({'type': bc_type, 'parameter': parameter, 'position': position, 'value': np.array(value)})

        def add_sourceterm_thermal_resistance(self, R:list[float], T_inf:list[float]):
            """Specify a thermal resistance source term.

                R (float): List of thermal resistances
                T_inf (float): List of fluid temperatures
            if not len([R]) in [1,self.n]:
                raise Exception("Length of R must be 1 or equal to n")

            if not len([T_inf]) in [1,self.n]:
                raise Exception("Length of T_inf must be 1 or equal to n")

            self.sources.append({'R': R, 'T_inf': T_inf})

        def select_output(self, times:list[float]=None, output_parameters:list[str]=['T']):
            """Specify output times.

                times (float): List of times to output data

            self.output_parameters = output_parameters
            class Data(object):
   = Data()
   = np.intersect1d(np.array(times), np.arange(self.outer.t_start, self.outer.t_end+self.outer.dt, self.outer.dt))
            for parameter in output_parameters:
                setattr(,parameter, np.full((len(, self.n_other, self.n),np.nan))
                self._flag_save_data = True
                self._q = 0

        def _save_data(self, t:float=None):
            """Save data at specified times.

                t (float): Current time

            if self._flag_save_data:
                if t in
                    for parameter in self.output_parameters:
                        getattr(,parameter)[self._q] = getattr(self,parameter)
                    self._q = self._q+1

        def _update_massflow_rate(self, t:float):
            """Update mass flow rate at specified times.

                t (float): Current time

            if self.mdot_array.ndim == 0:
                self.mdot = np.tile(self.mdot_array,(np.append(self.n_other,self.domain.shape)))
            elif self.mdot_array.ndim == 2:
                self.mdot = np.interp(t, self.mdot_array[:,0], self.mdot_array[:,1])

        def _update_properties(self):
            """Update properties at each time step."""

            self.T = self.fcns.T(self.h)
            self.rho = self.fcns.rho(self.h)
            self.cp = self.fcns.cp(self.h)

            if hasattr(self, 'diff'):
                self.k = self.fcns.k(self.h)
                self.D[0,:,:] = self.k*self.domain.A[0]/self.domain.dx
                self.D[1,:,:] = self.k*self.domain.A[1]/self.domain.dx

            if hasattr(self, 'conv'):
                self.F[0,:,:] = self.mdot*self.cp
                self.F[1,:,:] = self.mdot*self.cp

        def _update_boundary_nodes(self, t:float=None, dt:float=None):
            """Update boundary nodes.

                t (float): Current time
                dt (float): Time step size

            for bc in self.bcs:
                if bc['type'] == 'fixed_value':
                    self.h[bc['position']] = self.fcns.h(bc['value'])
                if bc['type'] == 'fixed_value_timevarying':
                    self.h[bc['position']] = self.fcns.h(np.interp(t,bc['value'][:,0],bc['value'][:,1]))
                if bc['type'] == 'zero_gradient':
                    if bc['position'] == np.s_[:,0]:
                        self.h[bc['position']] = self.h[bc['position']] + (2*self.T[:,1]*self.D[1,:,0] - 2*self.T[:,0]*self.D[1,:,0] - self.F[0,:,1]*self.T[:,1] + self.F[1,:,0]*self.T[:,0]) / (self.rho[:,0]*self.domain.V[0])*dt
                    if bc['position'] == np.s_[:,-1]:
                        self.h[bc['position']] = self.h[bc['position']] + (2*self.T[:,-2]*self.D[0,:,-1] - 2*self.T[:,-1]*self.D[0,:,-1] + self.F[1,:,-2]*self.T[:,-2] - self.F[0,:,-1]*self.T[:,-1]) / (self.rho[:,-1]*self.domain.V[-1])*dt

        def _update_source(self, dt:float=None):
            """Update source term.

                dt (float): Time step size

            for source in self.sources:
                self.h = self.h + (source['T_inf']-self.T)*2 / source['R'] * dt/(self.rho*self.domain.V)

        def _solve_equations(self, t:float=None, dt:float=None):
            """Solve equations at each time step.

                t (float): Current time
                dt (float): Time step size

            self._update_boundary_nodes(t, dt)
            if hasattr(self, 'diff'):
                self.h = self.h + self.diff(self.T, self.D)/(self.rho*self.domain.V)*dt
            if hasattr(self, 'conv'):
                self.h = self.h + self.conv(self.T, self.F)/(self.rho*self.domain.V)*dt
            if self.sources is not None:
Source code in openterrace/
class Phase:
    instances = []
    """Main class to define either the fluid or bed phase."""

    def __init__(self, outer=None, n:int=None, n_other:int=None, type:str=None):
        """Initialise a phase with number of control points and type.

            outer (object): Outer class
            n (int): Number of discretisations for the given phase
            n_other (int): Number of discretisations for the other phase
            type (str): Type of phase

        self.outer = outer
        self.n = n
        self.n_other = n_other

        self.phi = 1
        self.bcs = []
        self.sources = []

        self._flag_save_data = False
        self.type = type

    def select_substance_on_the_fly(self, cp:float=None, rho:float=None, k:float=None):
        """Defines and selects a new substance on-the-fly. This is useful for defining a substance for testing purposes with temperature independent properties.

            cp (float): Specific heat capacity in J/(kg K)
            rho (float): Density in kg/m^3
            k (float): Thermal conductivity in W/(m K)
        class dummy:
        self.fcns = dummy()
        self.fcns.h = lambda T: np.ones_like(T)*T*cp
        self.fcns.T = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*h/cp
        self.fcns.cp = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*cp
        self.fcns.k = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*k
        self.fcns.rho = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*rho

    def select_substance(self, substance:str=None):
        """Selects one of the predefined substancers.

            substance (str): Substance name

        valid_substances = globals()[self.type+'_substances'].__all__
        if not substance:
            raise Exception("Keyword 'substance' not specified.")
        if not substance in valid_substances:
            raise Exception(substance+" specified as "+self.type+" substance. Valid "+self.type+" substances are:", valid_substances)
        self.fcns = getattr(globals()[self.type+'_substances'], substance)

    def select_h_coeff(self, h_exp:str=None, value:float=None):
        """Selects an expression for the heat transfer coefficient.

            h_exp (str): Heat transfer coefficient expression
            value (float): Heat transfer coefficient value

        valid_correlations = ['constant']
        if correlation not in valid_correlations:
            raise Exception("correlation \'"+correlation+"\' specified. Valid options for correlation are:", valid_correlations)
        self.fcns.h_correlation = getattr(globals()['heat_transfer_correlations'], correlation)

    def select_domain_shape(self, domain:str=None, **kwargs):
        """Select domain shape and initialise constants.

            domain (str): Domain type
            **kwargs (float): Dimensions of domain to be specified depnding on the domain type

        if not domain:
            raise Exception("Keyword 'domain' not specified.")
        if not domain in globals()['domains'].__all__:
            raise Exception("domain \'"+domain+"\' specified. Valid options for domain are:", self.valid_domains)

        kwargs['n'] = self.n 
        self.domain = getattr(globals()['domains'], domain)
        self.domain.type = domain
        self.domain.validate_input(kwargs, domain)
        self.domain.shape = self.domain.shape(kwargs)
        self.domain.dx = self.domain.dx(kwargs)
        self.domain.A = self.domain.A(kwargs)
        self.domain.V = self.domain.V(kwargs)
        self.domain.V0 = self.domain.V0(kwargs)
        self.node_pos = self.domain.node_pos(kwargs)

    def select_porosity(self, phi:float=1):
        """Select porosity from 0 to 1, e.g. filling the domain with the phase up to a certain degree.

            phi (float): Porosity value

        self.domain.V = self.domain.V*phi
        self.phi = phi

    def select_schemes(self, diff:str=None, conv:str=None):
        """Imports the specified diffusion and convection schemes.

            diff (str): Differenctial scheme
            conv (str): Convection scheme

        if self.domain.type == 'lumped':
            raise Exception("'lumped' has been selected as domain type. Please don't specify a discretisation scheme.")

        if diff is not None:
                self.diff = getattr(getattr(globals()['diffusion_schemes'], diff), diff)
                raise Exception("Diffusion scheme \'"+diff+"\' specified. Valid options for diffusion schemes are:", diffusion_schemes.__all__)

        if conv is not None:
                self.conv = getattr(getattr(globals()['convection_schemes'], conv), conv)
                raise Exception("Convection scheme \'"+conv+"\' specified. Valid options for convection schemes are:", convection_schemes.__all__)

    def select_initial_conditions(self, T:list[float]=None):
        """Initialises temperature field.

            T (float): List of length n with initial temperatures

        if np.array(T).size == 1:
            self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,self.domain.shape)))   
        elif np.array(T).size == self.n:
            self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,1)))
        else: Exception("Length of T must be 1 or equal to n")

        self.h = self.fcns.h(self.T)
        self.T = self.fcns.T(self.h)
        self.rho = self.fcns.rho(self.h)
        self.cp = self.fcns.cp(self.h)
        self.k = self.fcns.k(self.h)
        self.D = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
        self.F = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
        self.S = np.zeros(self.T.shape)

    def select_massflow(self, mdot:list[float]=None):
        """Initialises mass flow rate field.

            mdot (float): Array of mass flow rate. Column 0 is time and column 1 is mass flow rate

        self.mdot_array = np.array(mdot)

    def select_bc(self, bc_type:str=None, parameter:str=None, position=None, value:float=None):
        """Specify boundary condition type.

            bc_type (str): Type of boundary condition
            parameter (str): Which field it applies to
            position (int): indices of which cells it applies to
            value (float): Value of boundary condition

        valid_bc_types = ['fixed_value','zero_gradient']
        if bc_type not in valid_bc_types:
            raise Exception("bc_type \'"+bc_type+"\' specified. Valid options for bc_type are:", valid_bc_types)
        valid_parameters = ['T','mdot']
        if parameter not in valid_parameters:
            raise Exception("parameter \'"+parameter+"\' specified. Valid options for parameter are:", valid_parameters)
        if not position:
            raise Exception("Keyword 'position' not specified.")
        if value is None and bc_type=='fixed_value':
            raise Exception("Keyword 'value' is needed for fixed_value type bc.")
        self.bcs.append({'type': bc_type, 'parameter': parameter, 'position': position, 'value': np.array(value)})

    def add_sourceterm_thermal_resistance(self, R:list[float], T_inf:list[float]):
        """Specify a thermal resistance source term.

            R (float): List of thermal resistances
            T_inf (float): List of fluid temperatures
        if not len([R]) in [1,self.n]:
            raise Exception("Length of R must be 1 or equal to n")

        if not len([T_inf]) in [1,self.n]:
            raise Exception("Length of T_inf must be 1 or equal to n")

        self.sources.append({'R': R, 'T_inf': T_inf})

    def select_output(self, times:list[float]=None, output_parameters:list[str]=['T']):
        """Specify output times.

            times (float): List of times to output data

        self.output_parameters = output_parameters
        class Data(object):
            pass = Data() = np.intersect1d(np.array(times), np.arange(self.outer.t_start, self.outer.t_end+self.outer.dt, self.outer.dt))
        for parameter in output_parameters:
            setattr(,parameter, np.full((len(, self.n_other, self.n),np.nan))
            self._flag_save_data = True
            self._q = 0

    def _save_data(self, t:float=None):
        """Save data at specified times.

            t (float): Current time

        if self._flag_save_data:
            if t in
                for parameter in self.output_parameters:
                    getattr(,parameter)[self._q] = getattr(self,parameter)
                self._q = self._q+1

    def _update_massflow_rate(self, t:float):
        """Update mass flow rate at specified times.

            t (float): Current time

        if self.mdot_array.ndim == 0:
            self.mdot = np.tile(self.mdot_array,(np.append(self.n_other,self.domain.shape)))
        elif self.mdot_array.ndim == 2:
            self.mdot = np.interp(t, self.mdot_array[:,0], self.mdot_array[:,1])

    def _update_properties(self):
        """Update properties at each time step."""

        self.T = self.fcns.T(self.h)
        self.rho = self.fcns.rho(self.h)
        self.cp = self.fcns.cp(self.h)

        if hasattr(self, 'diff'):
            self.k = self.fcns.k(self.h)
            self.D[0,:,:] = self.k*self.domain.A[0]/self.domain.dx
            self.D[1,:,:] = self.k*self.domain.A[1]/self.domain.dx

        if hasattr(self, 'conv'):
            self.F[0,:,:] = self.mdot*self.cp
            self.F[1,:,:] = self.mdot*self.cp

    def _update_boundary_nodes(self, t:float=None, dt:float=None):
        """Update boundary nodes.

            t (float): Current time
            dt (float): Time step size

        for bc in self.bcs:
            if bc['type'] == 'fixed_value':
                self.h[bc['position']] = self.fcns.h(bc['value'])
            if bc['type'] == 'fixed_value_timevarying':
                self.h[bc['position']] = self.fcns.h(np.interp(t,bc['value'][:,0],bc['value'][:,1]))
            if bc['type'] == 'zero_gradient':
                if bc['position'] == np.s_[:,0]:
                    self.h[bc['position']] = self.h[bc['position']] + (2*self.T[:,1]*self.D[1,:,0] - 2*self.T[:,0]*self.D[1,:,0] - self.F[0,:,1]*self.T[:,1] + self.F[1,:,0]*self.T[:,0]) / (self.rho[:,0]*self.domain.V[0])*dt
                if bc['position'] == np.s_[:,-1]:
                    self.h[bc['position']] = self.h[bc['position']] + (2*self.T[:,-2]*self.D[0,:,-1] - 2*self.T[:,-1]*self.D[0,:,-1] + self.F[1,:,-2]*self.T[:,-2] - self.F[0,:,-1]*self.T[:,-1]) / (self.rho[:,-1]*self.domain.V[-1])*dt

    def _update_source(self, dt:float=None):
        """Update source term.

            dt (float): Time step size

        for source in self.sources:
            self.h = self.h + (source['T_inf']-self.T)*2 / source['R'] * dt/(self.rho*self.domain.V)

    def _solve_equations(self, t:float=None, dt:float=None):
        """Solve equations at each time step.

            t (float): Current time
            dt (float): Time step size

        self._update_boundary_nodes(t, dt)
        if hasattr(self, 'diff'):
            self.h = self.h + self.diff(self.T, self.D)/(self.rho*self.domain.V)*dt
        if hasattr(self, 'conv'):
            self.h = self.h + self.conv(self.T, self.F)/(self.rho*self.domain.V)*dt
        if self.sources is not None:
instances = [] class-attribute instance-attribute

Main class to define either the fluid or bed phase.

__init__(outer=None, n=None, n_other=None, type=None)

Initialise a phase with number of control points and type.


Name Type Description Default
outer object

Outer class

n int

Number of discretisations for the given phase

n_other int

Number of discretisations for the other phase

type str

Type of phase

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def __init__(self, outer=None, n:int=None, n_other:int=None, type:str=None):
    """Initialise a phase with number of control points and type.

        outer (object): Outer class
        n (int): Number of discretisations for the given phase
        n_other (int): Number of discretisations for the other phase
        type (str): Type of phase

    self.outer = outer
    self.n = n
    self.n_other = n_other

    self.phi = 1
    self.bcs = []
    self.sources = []

    self._flag_save_data = False
    self.type = type
add_sourceterm_thermal_resistance(R, T_inf)

Specify a thermal resistance source term.


Name Type Description Default
R float

List of thermal resistances

T_inf float

List of fluid temperatures

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def add_sourceterm_thermal_resistance(self, R:list[float], T_inf:list[float]):
    """Specify a thermal resistance source term.

        R (float): List of thermal resistances
        T_inf (float): List of fluid temperatures
    if not len([R]) in [1,self.n]:
        raise Exception("Length of R must be 1 or equal to n")

    if not len([T_inf]) in [1,self.n]:
        raise Exception("Length of T_inf must be 1 or equal to n")

    self.sources.append({'R': R, 'T_inf': T_inf})
select_bc(bc_type=None, parameter=None, position=None, value=None)

Specify boundary condition type.


Name Type Description Default
bc_type str

Type of boundary condition

parameter str

Which field it applies to

position int

indices of which cells it applies to

value float

Value of boundary condition

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def select_bc(self, bc_type:str=None, parameter:str=None, position=None, value:float=None):
    """Specify boundary condition type.

        bc_type (str): Type of boundary condition
        parameter (str): Which field it applies to
        position (int): indices of which cells it applies to
        value (float): Value of boundary condition

    valid_bc_types = ['fixed_value','zero_gradient']
    if bc_type not in valid_bc_types:
        raise Exception("bc_type \'"+bc_type+"\' specified. Valid options for bc_type are:", valid_bc_types)
    valid_parameters = ['T','mdot']
    if parameter not in valid_parameters:
        raise Exception("parameter \'"+parameter+"\' specified. Valid options for parameter are:", valid_parameters)
    if not position:
        raise Exception("Keyword 'position' not specified.")
    if value is None and bc_type=='fixed_value':
        raise Exception("Keyword 'value' is needed for fixed_value type bc.")
    self.bcs.append({'type': bc_type, 'parameter': parameter, 'position': position, 'value': np.array(value)})
select_domain_shape(domain=None, **kwargs)

Select domain shape and initialise constants.


Name Type Description Default
domain str

Domain type

**kwargs float

Dimensions of domain to be specified depnding on the domain type

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def select_domain_shape(self, domain:str=None, **kwargs):
    """Select domain shape and initialise constants.

        domain (str): Domain type
        **kwargs (float): Dimensions of domain to be specified depnding on the domain type

    if not domain:
        raise Exception("Keyword 'domain' not specified.")
    if not domain in globals()['domains'].__all__:
        raise Exception("domain \'"+domain+"\' specified. Valid options for domain are:", self.valid_domains)

    kwargs['n'] = self.n 
    self.domain = getattr(globals()['domains'], domain)
    self.domain.type = domain
    self.domain.validate_input(kwargs, domain)
    self.domain.shape = self.domain.shape(kwargs)
    self.domain.dx = self.domain.dx(kwargs)
    self.domain.A = self.domain.A(kwargs)
    self.domain.V = self.domain.V(kwargs)
    self.domain.V0 = self.domain.V0(kwargs)
    self.node_pos = self.domain.node_pos(kwargs)
select_h_coeff(h_exp=None, value=None)

Selects an expression for the heat transfer coefficient.


Name Type Description Default
h_exp str

Heat transfer coefficient expression

value float

Heat transfer coefficient value

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def select_h_coeff(self, h_exp:str=None, value:float=None):
    """Selects an expression for the heat transfer coefficient.

        h_exp (str): Heat transfer coefficient expression
        value (float): Heat transfer coefficient value

    valid_correlations = ['constant']
    if correlation not in valid_correlations:
        raise Exception("correlation \'"+correlation+"\' specified. Valid options for correlation are:", valid_correlations)
    self.fcns.h_correlation = getattr(globals()['heat_transfer_correlations'], correlation)

Initialises temperature field.


Name Type Description Default
T float

List of length n with initial temperatures

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def select_initial_conditions(self, T:list[float]=None):
    """Initialises temperature field.

        T (float): List of length n with initial temperatures

    if np.array(T).size == 1:
        self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,self.domain.shape)))   
    elif np.array(T).size == self.n:
        self.T = np.tile(T,(np.append(self.n_other,1)))
    else: Exception("Length of T must be 1 or equal to n")

    self.h = self.fcns.h(self.T)
    self.T = self.fcns.T(self.h)
    self.rho = self.fcns.rho(self.h)
    self.cp = self.fcns.cp(self.h)
    self.k = self.fcns.k(self.h)
    self.D = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
    self.F = np.zeros(((2,)+(self.T.shape)))
    self.S = np.zeros(self.T.shape)

Initialises mass flow rate field.


Name Type Description Default
mdot float

Array of mass flow rate. Column 0 is time and column 1 is mass flow rate

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def select_massflow(self, mdot:list[float]=None):
    """Initialises mass flow rate field.

        mdot (float): Array of mass flow rate. Column 0 is time and column 1 is mass flow rate

    self.mdot_array = np.array(mdot)
select_output(times=None, output_parameters=['T'])

Specify output times.


Name Type Description Default
times float

List of times to output data

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def select_output(self, times:list[float]=None, output_parameters:list[str]=['T']):
    """Specify output times.

        times (float): List of times to output data

    self.output_parameters = output_parameters
    class Data(object):
        pass = Data() = np.intersect1d(np.array(times), np.arange(self.outer.t_start, self.outer.t_end+self.outer.dt, self.outer.dt))
    for parameter in output_parameters:
        setattr(,parameter, np.full((len(, self.n_other, self.n),np.nan))
        self._flag_save_data = True
        self._q = 0

Select porosity from 0 to 1, e.g. filling the domain with the phase up to a certain degree.


Name Type Description Default
phi float

Porosity value

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def select_porosity(self, phi:float=1):
    """Select porosity from 0 to 1, e.g. filling the domain with the phase up to a certain degree.

        phi (float): Porosity value

    self.domain.V = self.domain.V*phi
    self.phi = phi
select_schemes(diff=None, conv=None)

Imports the specified diffusion and convection schemes.


Name Type Description Default
diff str

Differenctial scheme

conv str

Convection scheme

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def select_schemes(self, diff:str=None, conv:str=None):
    """Imports the specified diffusion and convection schemes.

        diff (str): Differenctial scheme
        conv (str): Convection scheme

    if self.domain.type == 'lumped':
        raise Exception("'lumped' has been selected as domain type. Please don't specify a discretisation scheme.")

    if diff is not None:
            self.diff = getattr(getattr(globals()['diffusion_schemes'], diff), diff)
            raise Exception("Diffusion scheme \'"+diff+"\' specified. Valid options for diffusion schemes are:", diffusion_schemes.__all__)

    if conv is not None:
            self.conv = getattr(getattr(globals()['convection_schemes'], conv), conv)
            raise Exception("Convection scheme \'"+conv+"\' specified. Valid options for convection schemes are:", convection_schemes.__all__)

Selects one of the predefined substancers.


Name Type Description Default
substance str

Substance name

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def select_substance(self, substance:str=None):
    """Selects one of the predefined substancers.

        substance (str): Substance name

    valid_substances = globals()[self.type+'_substances'].__all__
    if not substance:
        raise Exception("Keyword 'substance' not specified.")
    if not substance in valid_substances:
        raise Exception(substance+" specified as "+self.type+" substance. Valid "+self.type+" substances are:", valid_substances)
    self.fcns = getattr(globals()[self.type+'_substances'], substance)
select_substance_on_the_fly(cp=None, rho=None, k=None)

Defines and selects a new substance on-the-fly. This is useful for defining a substance for testing purposes with temperature independent properties.


Name Type Description Default
cp float

Specific heat capacity in J/(kg K)

rho float

Density in kg/m^3

k float

Thermal conductivity in W/(m K)

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def select_substance_on_the_fly(self, cp:float=None, rho:float=None, k:float=None):
    """Defines and selects a new substance on-the-fly. This is useful for defining a substance for testing purposes with temperature independent properties.

        cp (float): Specific heat capacity in J/(kg K)
        rho (float): Density in kg/m^3
        k (float): Thermal conductivity in W/(m K)
    class dummy:
    self.fcns = dummy()
    self.fcns.h = lambda T: np.ones_like(T)*T*cp
    self.fcns.T = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*h/cp
    self.fcns.cp = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*cp
    self.fcns.k = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*k
    self.fcns.rho = lambda h: np.ones_like(h)*rho
__init__(t_start=0, t_end=None, dt=None)

Initialise with various control parameters.


Name Type Description Default
t_start float

Start time in s

t_end float

End time in s

dt float

Time step size in s

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def __init__(self, t_start:float=0, t_end:float=None, dt:float=None):
    """Initialise with various control parameters.

        t_start (float): Start time in s
        t_end (float): End time in s
        dt (float): Time step size in s
    self.t_start = t_start
    self.t_end = t_end
    self.dt = dt
    self.coupling = []
    self.flag_coupling = False
create_phase(n=None, n_other=1, type=None)

Creates a fluid or bed phase.


Name Type Description Default
n int

Number of discretisations

n_other int

Number of discretisations of interacting phase. If you are defining a bed phase within a tank. Then n_other is the number of discretisations of the fluid phase.

type str

Phase type

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def create_phase(self, n:int=None, n_other:int=1, type:str=None):
    """Creates a fluid or bed phase.

        n (int): Number of discretisations
        n_other (int): Number of discretisations of interacting phase. If you are defining a bed phase within a tank. Then n_other is the number of discretisations of the fluid phase.
        type (str): Phase type

    valid_types = ['fluid','bed']
    if type not in valid_types:
        raise Exception("Type \'"+type+"\' specified. Valid options for types are:", valid_types)
    return self.Phase(self, n, n_other, type)

If you want to run the simulation, you need to call this function. If data output is specified using the select_output function, the data will live in that specific phase instance. For more details on how to access the data, please refer to the tutorials.

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def run_simulation(self):
    """If you want to run the simulation, you need to call this function. If data output is specified using the select_output function, the data will live in that specific phase instance. For more details on how to access the data, please refer to the tutorials."""

    for t in tqdm.tqdm(np.arange(self.t_start, self.t_end+self.dt, self.dt)):

        for phase_instance in self.Phase.instances:
            phase_instance._solve_equations(t, self.dt)
        if self.flag_coupling:
select_coupling(fluid_phase=None, bed_phase=None, h_exp=None, h_value=None)

Selects coupling of a fluid and bed phase


Name Type Description Default
fluid_phase int

phase number

bed_phase int

phase number

h_exp str

Predefined function for convective heat transfer

h_value float

Convective heat transfer coefficient in W/(m^2 K)

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def select_coupling(self, fluid_phase:int=None, bed_phase:int=None, h_exp:str=None, h_value:float=None):
    """Selects coupling of a fluid and bed phase

        fluid_phase (int): phase number
        bed_phase (int): phase number
        h_exp (str): Predefined function for convective heat transfer
        h_value (float): Convective heat transfer coefficient in W/(m^2 K)

    valid_h_exp = ['constant']
    if h_exp not in valid_h_exp:
        raise Exception("h_exp \'"+h_exp+"\' specified. Valid options for h_exp are:", valid_h_exp)

    self.coupling.append({"fluid_phase":fluid_phase, "bed_phase":bed_phase, "h_exp":h_exp, "h_value":h_value})
    self.flag_coupling = True